Hazard Analysis for a Wide Range of Industries
The JHA tool focuses on the relationship between
the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment.
User-Friendly Data Entry Process
We designed Alliant JHA to be more than just user-friendly – we made sure that it’s extremely user-useful. What this means to you is that from the first log-on, it’s easy for you to customize.

Features & Benefits
Grant different levels of access levels to users to learn from or copy existing JHAs
Automatic links between job steps, hazards, and specific controls
Drag and drop tool for sequencing job steps
Easily tailor your JHA Job Steps to match the way the job is actually done at your company
Reliability built-in via single point of data entry for permanently adding or removing hazards and controls
A quick snapshot of your JHAs that you can act on. See how it worksAutomatic Recommendations
Create it once, use it indefinitely. Automatic links between job steps, hazards, and specific controls. See how it worksRisk Inventory Matrix (RIM)
Set thresholds and gauge your progress. See how it worksOur Clients